The Christian Message From Moscow (Voice of Russia)

Voice of Russia VOR radio network produces "The Christian Message from Moscow" in English. Web audio not easily available, reproduces this. Podcasting makes it a golden era to learn about our Russian Orthodox Christian compatriots, their rich history, music, composers, performers, writers, sermons, and Saints' lives and works. Listen each week and check out our other offerings on our website. VOR's TCMFM page is

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Christian Message From Moscow (Russia:) Irina Skorik music 2006-03-04

The music of contemporary Karelian / Russian singer, poet, and composer Irina Skorik, from St. Petersburg.

Check out the Mansfield & United Lutheran podcasts for this week's sermon spoken from an ELCA Lutheran perspective.


Blogger Seraphim said...

Thank you very much for posting these podcasts. I enjoy and appreciate them very much.

I am not sure you aware that the link you posted to "information about" the book of the conversation of St Seraphim with Motovilov, points to the awful website of some kind of pagan guru who claims to be God. There are many such "Eastern", pagan gurus who claim St Seraphim supports their message, which is emphatically not the case. St Seraphim was fully a *Christian* and an obedient son of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church.

There are plenty of Orthodox Christian pages on St Seraphim and the conversation with Motovilov; for example, and .

Seraphim Larsen
Florence, AZ

7:39 AM  
Blogger SunMan said...

Hello Mr. Larsen,
Thank you for your kind words. Of course the hard work of my friends at the Voice of Russia put this show together, I can only hope to meet them in Moscow someday!
I think I understand what you are saying about the link. Even though the information is similar, almost identical about St. Seraphim, the author of the website is not a reputable person.
My knowledge is not in Russian Orthodoxy, but I do enjoy learning. I have changed the link to the two you listed.

I hope that more and more people listen to the program. Right now between 80 and 90 people per day listen.

If you ever want to contact the Voice of Russia directly, you can email them at world (at) vor (dot) ru

Thanks again for writing and Peace to you,
Clinton Meyer

10:25 AM  

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