The Christian Message From Moscow (Voice of Russia)

Voice of Russia VOR radio network produces "The Christian Message from Moscow" in English. Web audio not easily available, reproduces this. Podcasting makes it a golden era to learn about our Russian Orthodox Christian compatriots, their rich history, music, composers, performers, writers, sermons, and Saints' lives and works. Listen each week and check out our other offerings on our website. VOR's TCMFM page is

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Christian Message From Moscow (Russia:) Part II from the book "The Blessed Fire" 2006-04-29

Part II of excepts from the book "The Blessed Fire".

Miracle... People often take for miracle things that they do not comprehend. "Miraculous cure", telekinesis, telepathy, spiritism, poltergeist, UFO and much, much more besides. But these are not miracles.

The only miracle is worked by God Himself creating everlasting life in a mortal body. And when the Israelites asked to be shown a sign from heaven, the Saviour answered to all and for all times: "A wicked and adulterous generation seeking after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah," (Matthew, 16.4) that is the Resurrection.

Read the full text "By the Rivers of Babylon" at the Voice of Russia website.

You are also welcome at the Mansfield & United Lutheran podcasts to hear this week's sermon from an ELCA Lutheran perspective.


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