The Christian Message From Moscow (Voice of Russia)

Voice of Russia VOR radio network produces "The Christian Message from Moscow" in English. Web audio not easily available, reproduces this. Podcasting makes it a golden era to learn about our Russian Orthodox Christian compatriots, their rich history, music, composers, performers, writers, sermons, and Saints' lives and works. Listen each week and check out our other offerings on our website. VOR's TCMFM page is

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Christian Message From Moscow (Russia:) "Between Life and Death" book by Mikhail Ovchinnikov 2006-07-08

Excerpts from a book by Orthodox clergyman Mikhail Ovchinnikov. After a serious car accident, he experienced multiple clinical deaths. During each one of these he had very important encounters in the other world, which he scrupulously described in his book. By will of God, despite forecasts of the medics, Father Mikhail survived and now continues to serve at one of the Monasteries of the Crimea. Without doubt, everything narrated by Father Mikhail will be of interest and use to all Christians.

Read the full text ""Between Life & Death" story by Orthodox clergyman Mikhail Ovchinnikov" at the Voice of Russia website.

You are also welcome at the Mansfield & United Lutheran podcasts to hear this week's sermon from an ELCA Lutheran perspective.


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